I needed to drop a Row Level Security Policy from a table in an Oracle 12.1 database; but before I removed the policy, I wanted to make a backup of the code that would be necessary to restore the policy in case problems arose.
After searching the internet high and low, I was unable to find any examples of using DBMS_METADATA to back up an RLS policy (although I did find at least one other person that was looking for the same thing I was).
I decided to create my own query to use.
WARNING: This query comes with absolutely no guarantees. I don’t promise that it’s correct, or that it will fit your version of Oracle. Remember that you are solely responsible for whatever you run in your database.
select q'<
object_schema => '>' || object_schema || q'<'
, object_name => '>' || object_name || q'<'
, policy_name => '>' || policy_name || q'<'
, function_schema => '>' || function_schema || q'<'
, policy_function => '>' || policy_function || q'<'
, statement_types => '>' || statement_types || q'<'
, policy_type => >' || policy_type || q'<
, update_check => >' || update_check || q'<
, enable => >' || enable || q'<
, static_policy => >' || static_policy || q'<
, long_predicate => >' || long_predicate || q'<
/>' sql
from (select object_schema
, object_name
, policy_name
, function_schema
, policy_function
, listagg(statement_types, ',') within group (order by case statement_types when 'select' then 1 when 'insert' then 2 when 'update' then 3 when 'delete' then 4 else 5 end ) statement_types
, policy_type
, update_check
, enable
, static_policy
, long_predicate
from (select object_owner object_schema
, object_name
, policy_name
, pf_owner function_schema
, package || '.' || function policy_function
, statement_types
, 'dbms_rls.' || policy_type policy_type
, case chk_option
when 'NO' then 'false'
when 'YES' then 'true' end update_check
, case enable
when 'NO' then 'false'
when 'YES' then 'true' end enable
, case static_policy
when 'NO' then 'false'
when 'YES' then 'true' end static_policy
, case long_predicate
when 'NO' then 'false'
when 'YES' then 'true' end long_predicate
from dba_policies dp
unpivot (
for statement_types in (sel as 'select', ins as 'insert', upd as 'update', "DEL" as 'delete', idx as 'index')
where object_owner = '&table_owner'
and object_name = '&table_name'
and policy_name = '&policy_name'
-- Below is a mandatory filter
and y_or_n = 'YES'
group by object_schema
, object_name
, policy_name
, function_schema
, policy_function
, policy_type
, update_check
, enable
, static_policy
, long_predicate);
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