I recently had a coworker ask me about a strange situation: They were trying to modify a column on a table to go from a CHAR(4 BYTE) to a VARCHAR2(5 BYTE). Oracle, however, didn’t seem to want to cooperate.
Oracle returned an ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change data type exception.
Here I’ve drummed up a quick example of what was going on:
I knew, however, that this should be possible for what we were trying to do. As it turns out, the solution was easy, but not obvious. There was a check constraint to ensure that the column was a numeric value.
Below is the full code leading up to the alter table in my example above:
SQL> create table kaleyc.drop_me
2 (
3 x char(4) constraint ck_numbers check (decode(translate(x, 'A1234567890', 'A'), null, 1, 0) = 1)
4 );
Table KALEYC.DROP_ME created.
SQL> insert into kaleyc.drop_me
2 values ('0001');
1 row inserted.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> alter table kaleyc.drop_me modify x varchar2(5);
Error starting at line : 25 in command -
alter table kaleyc.drop_me modify x varchar2(5)
Error report -
ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
01439. 00000 - "column to be modified must be empty to change datatype"
The solution was to drop the check constraint, modify the column, and re-apply the check constraint.
Disabling and re-enabling the constraint didn’t work–the constraint had to be totally dropped.
SQL> alter table kaleyc.drop_me drop constraint ck_numbers ;
Table KALEYC.DROP_ME altered.
SQL> alter table kaleyc.drop_me modify x varchar2(5);
Table KALEYC.DROP_ME altered.
SQL> alter table kaleyc.drop_me modify x constraint ck_numbers check (decode(translate(x, 'A1234567890', 'A'), null, 1, 0) = 1);
Table KALEYC.DROP_ME altered.
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